Early Zines
Rare Zines out of Cal State Fullerton's University Archives and Special Collections
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Amazing Stories, no. 1 (April, 1926).

The Planetoid. International Science Association. No. 1 (December 1932).

The Planetoid. International Science Association. No. 2 (January 1933).

Radiagram. No. 1 (April 1933).

International Observer of Science and Science Fiction. International Cosmos Science Club. No. 1 (September 1934)

International Observer of Science and Science Fiction. International Cosmos Science Club. No. 2 (October 1934)
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Unusual Stories. No. 1 (March 1934).

Marvel Tales. No. 2 (July-August 1934).

Marvel Tales. No. 4 (March-April 1935).

Fantastic Worlds. No. 4 (Summer 1953).

De Profundus. Los Angeles Science Fantasy Society (LASFS), no. 43 (March 1971)

Fantasiae. The Fantasy Association. No. 4 (July 1973).
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Tolkien Journal. Tolkien Society of America 2, no. 2 (April 1966).

Xero. No. 10 (May 1963).

Warhoon. Fantasy Amateur Press Association, no. 23 (May 1968).

Warhoon. Fantasy Amateur Press Association, no. 24 (August 1968).

Warhoon. Fantasy Amateur Press Association, no. 25 (November 1968).

Amra. 2, no. 52 (1970).